Data Protection Manager

Digital compliance support to beat the budget challenge.

Designated data protection expert registered as your DPO with the official authorities.

Data protection Expert develops the Data protection Framework together with internal DPO.

Data Protection Dashboard to keep track of compliance improvements.

Digital tools to manage user requests and data breaches according to regulatory requirements.

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Our Portal Use-Cases

Data Protection Compliance Solution

Data Protection
Assessment and Gap Analysis

Our data protection portal offers a simple and comprehensive way to record and evaluate your current level of maturity in regard to data protection regulations and provides potential non-conformities and regulatory risks.

Compliance Action-Plan
Prioritization of Tasks

Based on the results of the self-assessment, a detailed and prioritised action plan will be defined to help improving your data protection. Each action item contains a clear description of the demanded task and a precise explanation of the desired outcome.

Maturity Visualization
Data Protection Dashboard

The Management Dashboard gives a quick and comprehensive overview of current Data Protection risks, tasks and improvements to keep track of the progress. The Data Protection compliance is visualized in graphs and charts for an easy understanding of the current situation.

Data Protection Expert Support

The portal offers a direct channel to our certified data protection experts in case of questions or incidents, so that we can react quickly in critical situations.

Your Resilience – Guarded!

ResGuard Compliance Manager

Holistic Compliance-as-a-Service

RCM offers a digital solution that covers all your regulatory and cyber compliance needs.
Specialized modules provide everything you need to save time and budget.
Automation, digital evidence and artifacts demonstrate your comprehensive compliance performance to auditors.

Extended Compliance Services

Our Expertise to Achieve Your Goals

ResGuard Solutions

If you have any questions or comments, you can reach us under following contact details.

ResGuard Solutions Pte. Ltd.
4 Battery Road
25-01 Bank of China Building
Singapore 049908
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© 2025
Data Protection Solutions